Sunday, November 11, 2007

Here's a limerick that I thought was kinda funny.

There once was a lady named Bright.
Whose speed was far faster than light.
She set out one day,
In a relative way.
And came home the previous night.

I found it in the Prisms of Poetry textbook. Lemme know what you think
- Ajay


ENG3U Student said...


I don't know too much about relativity theory (I'm no Einstein)but I know enough to find this limerick very amusing.

Nice find,
Mr. G

ENG3U Student said...

haha, i agree with gasenzer. this poem is definately pretty funny. the punch line is great!

ENG3U Student said...

that's MR.gasenzer. *ahem* lol.

ENG3U Student said...

I like. I wish i could return home the previous night :P.

-Ielaf :)