Monday, November 12, 2007

Theme: Death


This is Thifiya and below is a poem about death & funeral. I found this poem very descriptive and I understood really well how the speaker was feeling. What do you guys think?

Strange now to think of you, gone without corsets & eyes, while I walk on
the sunny pavement of Greenwich Village.downtown Manhattan, clear winter noon, and I've been up all night, talking,
talking, reading the Kaddish aloud, listening to Ray Charles blues
shout blind on the phonographthe rhythm the rhythm--and your memory in my head three years after--
And read Adonais' last triumphant stanzas aloud--wept, realizing
how we suffer--And how Death is that remedy all singers dream of, sing, remember,
prophesy as in the Hebrew Anthem, or the Buddhist Book of An-
swers--and my own imagination of a withered leaf--at dawn--Dreaming back thru life, Your time--and mine accelerating toward Apoca-

-Allen Ginesberg

Yours Truly,
The one and only,
Thifiya G.

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