Monday, November 12, 2007

Calling all pessimists!!

This is a poem i found that called "The Pessimist" for all those pessimists out there :).

Benjamin Franklin King (1857-1894)

The Pessimist
1Nothing to do but work,
2 Nothing to eat but food,
3Nothing to wear but clothes
4 To keep one from going nude.
5Nothing to breathe but air
6 Quick as a flash 't is gone;
7Nowhere to fall but off,
8 Nowhere to stand but on.
9Nothing to comb but hair,
10 Nowhere to sleep but in bed,
11Nothing to weep but tears,
12 Nothing to bury but dead.
13Nothing to sing but songs,
14 Ah, well, alas! alack!
15Nowhere to go but out,
16 Nowhere to come but back.
17Nothing to see but sights,
18 Nothing to quench but thirst,
19Nothing to have but what we've got;
20 Thus thro' life we are cursed.
21Nothing to strike but a gait;
22 Everything moves that goes.
23Nothing at all but common sense
24 Can ever withstand these woes.

- Ielaf :)


ENG3U Student said...
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ENG3U Student said...

This poem is Creative and realistic. It makes us wonder whether those actions are the only things that correspond to those things...


ENG3U Student said...

Sometimes, I tend to be a bit of a pessimist too and think about all of those things too. And I agree with Jessica and Hennie, the poem does make you wonder about the actions and what correspond with them.
