Monday, November 12, 2007

Emotions from Africa

Jambo, this is Charu
I thought of finding a poem by an African poet after Mr. G read us that poem by Wole Soyinka.
This one is about opression as well. Its very painful to read, not that it is poorly written, it just purely conveys the raw emotions of being a slave, and an African treated gruesomely.
Here it is:

If You Want To Know Me

This is what I am
empty sockets despairing of possessing of life
a mouth torn open in an anguished wound...
a body tattooed with wounds seen and unseen
from the harsh whip-strokes of slavery
tortured and magnificent
proud and mysterious
Africa from head to foot
This is what I am

-Noemia de Sousa


ENG3U Student said...

Charu, I agree with you when you say that this poem is painful to read. The "empty socket" image, in particular, made me feel sick to my stomach. The suffering isn't seperate from the identity, because our experiences shape who we are. It really shows amazing resilience of spirit, in my opinion. To feel the "harsh whip-strokes of slavery" and still hold on to your dignity is a true feat.
- Amal

ENG3U Student said...

I'm happy you looked at this poem as a translation of resilience, Amal. It truly says a lot about you.